
We need your help; our service users need your help. Life is rarely a straight path, but you can help people find their way to success. Your donation has a profound and life-changing impact on the individuals Landau supports, giving the opportunity to thrive, not just live.

I would like to help change someone’s life:

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Billing Details

In order to make an offline donation we ask that you please follow these instructions::

  1. Make a check payable to "Landau Ltd"
  2. On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for "Landau"
  3. Please mail your cheque to:

Landau Ltd
Landau Court, 5 Tan Bank, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 1HE

Thank you for helping us to change lives.


Donation Total: £50.00

Want to hear from us?

Landau will never exchange or sell your information to another organization for their own marketing purposes. Landau would like to use your personal data to contact you about our work with and to help us raise vital funds.

If you are happy to receive marketing and fundraising information in any of the following ways please check the relevant boxes.


    First Name

    Last Name

    May we contact you by email?


    May we contact you by Text/WhatsApp?


    May we contact you by post?


    We would like to contact you from time to time to keep you informed of our projects and fundraising appeals. We will not share your data and you can unsubscribe at any time.

    We will keep your personal information secure. If, at any time, you would like to change how we contact you, telephone 01952 245 015 or write to Supporter Enquiries, Landau, 5 Landau Court, Telford, TF1 1HE or email [email protected]

    *Please confirm you have read our Privacy & Cookie Policy before submitting this form.

    Gift Aid

    If you are a UK taxpayer, you can make your donation worth 25% more with Gift Aid. For every £1 you give to us, we receive an extra 25p from HM Revenue and Customs. Select the Gift Aid box on our online form or complete the downloadable Gift Aid Form. You only need to make one declaration for past, present & future donations.

    Other Ways You Can Help

    Volunteer with us


    Leave a gift in your will


    Fundraise for us


    Corporate giving


    Have a question? Get in touch with our Supporter Enquiries Team